The Path to

Understand Your Options

Making the right decision can be hard if you’re confused, don’t have all the information, or don’t know what information to consider in the first place. We empower you to move in the right direction.

Work With an Expert

We know mortgages and the ins and outs of Seattle’s housing market. If you’re looking for someone who can answer all your questions, including the ones you haven’t thought of, you’re in the right place.

A Little Extra Help for the Biggest Purchase of Your Life

You’ll only buy your first home once, so you want to do it right. While a bank will leave you to fend for yourself, we’re here to help at any time, including evenings and weekends. Our goal is to get you in your dream home with the right loan and rate, and we’ll do whatever we can to help make that happen, including working with your real estate agent to facilitate your financing.

Conquering Your Fears — and Your Mortgage Application

Buying your first home is incredibly exciting — and overwhelming. We make it easier by explaining everything you need to consider, helping you gather the necessary documents ahead of time, and acting fast when the rate is in your favor. Our secure financing, backed by 15+ lenders and a reliable funding infrastructure, also removes any need to worry by ensuring the stability of your loan.

A Competitive Rate, and Then Some

Most first-time homebuyers know they need to shop for a competitive rate, but the truth is that it takes an expert to identify and weigh all the considerations. For example, spending more to get a lower rate sometimes saves you money in the long run, but not always. And the best rate ever won’t help you if you can’t get the house into contract. When getting (or not getting) the house depends entirely on your financing, the smartest move is to schedule a consultation with an experienced mortgage broker.

Learn More About Buying Your First Home

Ready to Be a Homeowner?

Schedule a call or send us a message to take the first step.